Spot fake products and ineffective plant & mushroom medicine a mile away.

According to a 2019 study*, nearly a third of all herbal supplements worldwide are adulterated or fake products. Here’s the thing. The problem is not just with one type of supplement, one company, or one geography. If you use herbal or mushroom supplements, education is key. This mini-course will give you the tools you need to find the best-in-class supplements that deliver value and quality.

What You'll Receive

  • Five video modules that will teach you to spot misrepresentation, fake products, and ineffective plant and fungi products a mile away (over 90 minutes of instructional video content!)

  • "Functional Mushrooms 101," a bonus, 30-minute webinar offering an overview of several top functional mushrooms and what they can do for you

  • PDF course handouts for each content module that summarize the key learnings for your reference

  • A handy bonus consumer guide for quick reference before your next shopping trip

  • Mini-quizzes at the end of each module to test your knowledge and awareness

  • A special freebie at the end of the course, and a chance to address any lingering questions


β€œI completed the course and learned tons-- I really enjoyed taking it! After the course, I checked the labels of mushroom supplements in my cabinet. When I checked the actual ingredients, I saw "mycelial biomass" and "myceliated oats". Now I can identify those red flags! I feel like I gained useful knowledge to continue my functional mushroom journey πŸ™‚β€

Sayaka, Clinical Psychologist, Illinois, USA

β€œAs someone with an allergy, I'm used to reading labels and checking ingredients. But this course helped me know what to look for and how to make good choices about supplements. Amazingly useful boot camp."”

Ayu, Horticulturist, Bali, Indonesia

β€œI am really impressed with the quality of the course production, structure, and of course, content. The information offered here is needed. It empowers interested consumers like myself, and makes us aware of our responsibility.”

M.H., Pianist and Activist, California, USA


Course Modules

    1. Welcome to Herbal & Functional Mushroom Supplements Bootcamp!

    2. Before we start: Course Overview

    3. Module 1: The 3 Ps of Effective Herbal & Functional Mushroom Supplements

    4. Module 1 (continued): The 3 Ps of Effective Herbal & Functional Mushroom Supplements

    5. Quiz- Module 1

    1. Labeling clue #1

    2. Labeling Clues #2 and #3

    3. Labeling Clues #4 and #5

    4. Quiz- Module 2

    1. Capsules:More Than Meets the Eye

    2. the 4th P of Herbal Supplements

    3. Quiz- Module 3

    1. Why Can't I just eat the Mushroom or Herb? The Nuts and Bolts of Bioavailability

    2. Variability: The Fickle and Inconsistent Nature of Plant and Mushroom Medicine

    3. Quiz- Module 4

    1. Course Review

    2. Thank you (+ A Special Freebie)

    3. Bonus Download: ABC Mushroom Supplement Consumer Guide

    4. Bonus: Intro to Functional Mushrooms Webinar

About this course

  • $55.00
  • 19 lessons